About Me: Story of a Prolific Visualizer! Hi, I'm Carl Harvey
, and I've been a raving fan of Creative Visualization for about 4 years. I live in London and am 26 years old. I'm a Master Practitioner of NLP, I love hiphop & am passionate about personal development. I make my living writing about my passions - and by teaching people like you how to visualize! Welcome to my website! PS - I use "Visualize" & "Visualise" interchangedly on this site; to cater for users from the USA & around the world.. I hope it doesn't annoy you! If it does, blame the Americans :) How I Started Out I learned how to visualize when I was working in Corporate Sales, after being recommended the awesome book Psycho Cybernetics by my boss. Little did I know how much the book would impact me - and change my life circumstances! Using visualisation, I dramatically improved my self-image, and increased the amount of sales I was making - so much so that by now I think I've sold about $4,000,000 of products over the phone! Today, in part thanks to my Visualization practice, I am a work-from-home entrepreneur (my dream goal!) I have a mini-online-empire of personal development sites, and (somehow!) I've become a recognised expert in the fields of NLP & Binaural Beats! I also teach people how to Visualize & make more money with my Corporate Consulting & Training Company. I also do some freelance sales when the mood takes me. In short, I'm living life how I want to live it - and getting paid for it. Now, I want to share what I've learned with you! Why This Website? One of the ways I love to spend my time is learning. I'm a huge geek and love having my nose stuck in a book. But I always thought my passion for being a geek was a hobby - and not a career! Luckily for me, I was wrong. A couple of years ago I found a great company called Site Build It! (SBI), which teaches you how to make a strong online income creating websites about your passions. And yep, that's even if you're totally illiterate with HTML, etc ... (like I am!)
And as I've got such awesome results with Visualization - both for myself and my training & coaching clients - I thought the world was ready for a fun, simple, well-researched website about the topic. So I've spent the last few months researching everything I could about Visualization; mental rehearsal; subconscious mind; law of attraction; quantum physics; the power of intention… and much more! The Power of Visualization Additionally, I've developed my own special technique of visualizing, which I honestly believe will help you live a life that's closer to what you really desire. You can read my Basic Visualization Technique here ... I guess the aim of this site is to inspire you to start a Visualization practice - and to provide you with all the information you need to make it happen now.
Hopefully I've succeeded on these counts. I hope you take a lot away from The Power of Visualization … … Because visualisation really is one of the quickest, most enjoyable & effortless ways to get more of what you want. Where Now? Make sure you subscribe to this site to claim your Free Visualization Starter Kit, which is the best introduction to Visualization you'll find (even if I do say so myself).  It's got an ebook, my A-Z process & free MP3s which put your brain in the best possible state for visualising. Additionally, I'll be creating a Brilliant 21 Day Visualization Program & Community over the coming months, which will empower you to stay motivated with your practice… and get you RESULTS! Find out about all your free stuff Now…